Monday, June 21, 2010

Starting New

I can't believe how busy I've been being lazy! With the second half the the year almost underway I realized I still haven't added a 5K to my list. I plan to still register for the two I did last year but I was hoping to add one in the early months of the year. Now that summer is here it looks like I'll either kill myself doing one in the next month or so or what and do one in between the other two I already have planned.

I've done pretty well with maintaining my weight it's just that I haven't kept up with my running so I'm outta shape. I decided that this week I would start eh 5K training program that I followed when I first started running. That program was helpful in preparing me and it also got me motivated to run. Even though I don't have a race planned until the end of September I figured it wouldn't hurt to start the training early just in case I find myself registering for a race at the last minute. I've also been able to take my yoga and pilates classes regularly again since my work schedule change which has really helped me to keep exercising in any way I can. Hopefully I stick to the program this week and don't talk myself out of any runs : ) We'll see what the week holds in store for me

Monday, January 18, 2010

So Far So Good

Well I was pretty good last week. I had my lunches at work already and some healthy snacks so that I wouldn't eat junk at work and I also (for the most part) stuck to my exercise program for the week. Last Wednesday I woke up with a bad headache and couldn't shake it all day so needless to say I didn't work out that day. I also didn't work out on Saturday because I got stuck at work and I had four appointments with people to check out reception venues.

This week brought a 1.6 pound loss and some rain. I stuck to my plan and ran today and also had some time to do a mini pilates session before I had to get back to work. Tomorrow morning I am going to run some errands and then get to work a little early so I can walk the treadmill there and eat some lunch before my shift starts. I really like it when I'm well and able to exercise. Even though I dread it most of the time, I feel so good afterwards and even better when I see the results. The goal this week is to stick to the plan of working out Monday-Thursday and Saturday. It's supposed to be gloomy all this week so the gym should be nice and quiet : )

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Getting Back in the Swing of Things

So I haven't been running in some time now. When school started in September I was so consumed and stressed out that I didn't do any kind of work out. I ran once I think in Novemeber 2009 but that was it. Then once I was out of school I got sick and didn't get better until New Year's Eve. I started back exercising this past week. I ran about 3/4 of a mile outside during my lunch break on Monday, ran 1.25 miles on Wednesday at the gym, rode the stationary bike at the gym for 7 miles on Thursday and did some mild pilates on Saturday.

The plan for this week is to run tomorrow during my lunch break the same distance as last week if not further, ride the stationary bike at the gym on Tuesday, run at the gym on Wednesday, walk on the treadmill on inclines on Thursday, rest Friday, run at the gym and do mild pilates on Saturday and rest on Sunday. Let's see if I can make this last : )