Thursday, August 6, 2009

Week Five Day 4

Weight: 177 lbs

Distance: 2 miles @ 5.2mph with hill program

Breakfast: 1 Gala Apple

Lunch: Turkey Wrap Sandwich
28 Pita Bites

Dinner: Taco Salad

Snacks: 1 cup of carrots
4oz of Fat Free Activa Yogurt w/ Kashi Go Lean Honey Almond Cluster Cereal mixed
1 package of 100 calorie Fudgeshoppe cookies

Health Tip: Drink at least six 8oz glasses of water a day. The increase in water intake helps lose weight, cleanse the body and also keeps you hydrated on these hot days.

Exercise of the Week: Military Press

Equipment Needed: barbells, soup cans or milk jugs with water for weight

Description: With weights in hands, hold arms out to the side at shoulder height. Bend your elbows in to make an "L" with each arm and have your palms facing front. To ensure you are at the correct starting position, you should look like a football goal post when looking in the mirror. Next extend arms straight overhead being careful not to knock the weights together. Then return to starting position.

Duration: 3 sets of 10 reps

So today was another good day. After work I did not feel like going to the gym so I made myself go because I recognized my normal pattern of putting the gym off until the next day....and then the next day...etc. I think I was intimidated by the fact that I was running on a hill program instead of just a flat surface. I know it takes a lot more energy to be able to run the same speed while going up an incline. After the first mile I felt like giving up but my goal was to run between 1.5-2 miles so I pushed myself. Shortly after giving myself a little pep-talk I started to feel the begining of a cramp in my right side. I tried slowing down my breathing to help decrease it's intensity but it still got stronger. The key combination I found to combat that type of crap was to concentrate on the breathing but also take longer strides. By slowing down the movement I was able to slow down the breathing a little easier. Also taking longer strides helps when running on an incline so I'll start to pay more attention to my stride length. I was pretty beat afterwards and after having lunch and reading my book I took a good hour nap. Since I pushed myself on the treadmill I thought I would give myself a day off of weight training. Tomorrow morning I'll go and walk the treadmill for 30 minutes so I get my daily cardio in and really concentrate on all the weight machines as well. I don't run again until Saturday and there aren't any hills planned so it should hopefully be an easier day.

Good Luck and Good Health

Megan : )

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